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Missouri Academy of Physician Assistants


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More Great News to Report

On July 11, 2019, Governor Parson signed SB514 into law. This bill contained our PA language that was discussed in our previous correspondence after it was passed by the Missouri Legislature last May. Click here to read more and to read highlights of SB514 as it relates to our PA statute.

House Bill 840

February 14, 2019 2:31 PM | Deleted user

Fellow MOAPA Members,

I have some exciting news to report: House Bill 840, a bill to modernize certain aspects of PA practice law, has been introduced in the Missouri Legislature. While there’s not much to report right now in terms of action, I wanted to let you know about the bill, what we hope to accomplish, and make you aware of the anticipated process.

House Bill 840 contains the following provisions:

1) Changes the term from “supervision” to “collaborate”. Wherever “supervision” or “supervise” appears in our statute, this will be replaced with “collaborate” or the proper form of the word.

2) Removes the “4 hours every 14 days” on site requirement, and permits medical teams using telemedicine to satisfy any on site requirement that the board of healing arts may subsequently add.

3) Eliminates the specific wording about the PA must practice on-site for 100 hours within a one-month period before being able to practice at a remote site from the Collaborating physician. Instead, a physician will determine if any on-site collaboration is needed.

4) Eliminates the wording that states a PA shall only see patient where the physician “routinely” sees patients.

Here’s a link to the bill text:

Those of you who have been members for a while know that it takes a lot of work for a bill to become a law! We have a few months and several stops before it goes to the governor for signature. We will keep you updated along the way, and let you know when it’s time to contact your legislators.

Paul Winter, PA-C

(800) 863-1207

(804) 288-3551 (f)  

Missouri Academy of Physician Assistants

6200 Lakeside Avenue

Richmond, VA 23228


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