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Missouri academy of physician assistants

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Can you provide me with information regarding the level of supervision required in Missouri for a PA?  

In terms of supervision, MO state law states that the supervising physician, (SP), must be on sight 4 hours for every 14 days that a PA provides clinical services. Please pay close attention to the wording of "14 days that a PA provides clinical services". This is important because if for example, a PA works Mon-Fri, that would mean the physician must be on sight minimally once, for 4 hours, about every 3 "work" weeks. This is of course after the PA has completed 100 hours on sight with the SP.


Is it necessary that the physician review every chart of patients seen by the Physician Assistant or is there a minimum?

In terms of chart signing. We have no co-signature requirements in statute. It states that the SP shall "review" a minimum of 10 percent of the PA charts in a 2 week period. So as long as you have a system in place that you could explain as to how and when the SP reviews charts routinely, that is sufficient. But specific co-signature is not required.


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P: (407) 774-7880

MOAPA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 

222 S. Westmonte Drive Ste. 111
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714

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